2pcs/set 2015 New Safety Temperature Sensing Spoon Baby Flatware Feeding Spoon and fork Learning Dis

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  • 更新:2021-11-11 21:02
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Fork and spoon
Color: blue / pink
Size: 13.5 cm x 2.5 cm (spoon size and length)
Specifications: Temperature range: 38 ° C-40 ° C

1. The advanced silicone material, very soft, care for the baby's mouth and gums, Suitable for 4 months baby to use.
2. Material Safe, reliable, does not contain bisphenol A (BPA).
3. The extended handle design, convenient Parental child feeding, is also convenient for parents to dig a small bottle inside the food.
4. The non-slip grip, easy to understand.
5. Beautiful colors, highlight fashion charm.
6. Do not use boiling water, microwave oven and other high-temperature sterilization methods to disinfect.
7. recommend using baby bottles Fruit and vegetable cleaning fluid.

1 tablespoon of the edge of the head with the help of plasticity elastomer, soft and flexible, safe use.
2 tablespoons head elastomers containing material changes in temperature, when the temperature of food exceeds 40 ° C, Flex will automatically become white, offering the food is too hot, not feeding, very safe and convenient to use.
3. Material non-toxic, tasteless, and can be a temperature of 100 ° C.
4. Before and after use, please clean. And placed in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. In the course, if found chopped phenomenon, please replace it.

The package includes:
1x fork and spoon.








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