2015 men and women ferati Beckham pink blonde perfume perfume

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  • price:13.00
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  • 更新:2021-12-25 01:51
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perfume is a kind of used to make objects (usually body parts) have a persistent and pleasant smell. Essential oils were extracted from plants and flowers by distillation or by lipid absorption. Fixing agent is used to combine a variety of spices together, including balsam, ambergris, civet and musk deer body the gas gland secretions. Alcohol or ethyl acetate concentration depends on perfume, Eau De Cologne or. The storage period of perfume is usually five years.

(1) every women or men all have their favorite aroma, for favorite perfume, different people

use general effect is different.

(2) with a perfume, spread to different people, will emit different aroma.

This is because each person
has its own unique taste and smell, the gas perfume mixing, will emit their own special flavor


(3) physical characteristics will be reflected in the quality of your perfume, body odor, appearance, hair color, skin
color should be the choice of perfume standard.

(4) steam concentration in the air of perfume is limited, if the use of perfume in excess, not only

aroma, smell will become bad.

(5) use perfume, should not only consider their own preferences, but also consider the feeling of the people around them.

(6) in order not to make the perfume aroma formation of inertia, in other words, in order to make the smell not accustomed to a

smell perfume, the best rotation.

(7) ears and due to recurrent ear rub perfume, there may be trouble spots, because of the sweet

sprinkle water on the skin, can cause pigmentation
, and black is the most severe pigmentation.

(8) the person's mood has no small significance to understand the perfume, even bad mood on the best perfume,

will have a good grasp.

Therefore, perfume should be used in a pleasant environment, should be used in the mood, Xing induced high atmosphere, when your mood is low, do not use perfume.

(9) the body's physiological status, seasonal and climatic conditions have an important effect on the correct understanding of perfume.

Spring and
summer of perfume is stronger than the understanding of autumn and winter season .

(10) young people's sense of smell is developed, in which young adults, for people with a gentle fragrance perfume,

moderation is the foundation of harmonious and beautiful.

(11) the stability of the scent of perfume depends largely on scented clothes.

Natural and artificial
silk, polyester, nylon and other textile products many are not very good retention of the scent of perfume.

(12) indoor air warm and humid will make the perfume taste, and the air humid outdoor (such as river and

), water vapor and fragrant flowers will eliminate the smell of perfume is
, at this time, our daily caution strong perfume

comes in handy.

(13) in the evaluation of the scent of perfume, we should pay attention to the smell of the habit and stop catching the scent of perfume


(14) used perfume is not the aroma evaluation experts, who not only used the scent of perfume

can evaluate the true quality of perfume.

(15) the smell of perfume should be with a person's clothing, environment, age of harmony.

(16) in the sweaty parts, should use toilet water but not to use perfume.

(17) just bought perfume place a few months or a year, and then use the aroma will be more fragrant should be


(18) wardrobe hanging temporarily don't wear cloth dipped in the perfume available on clothing lining, not only

anti moth, and make clothes often Paul
to pleasant aroma, and the same method, bedding, bed

One can also in incense

One can also in incense

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