2015 purple and silver Dan sweet scented osmanthus lady special offer 30ML

  • 区域:全国
  • 留言暂无
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  • price:4.00
  • mail:www@gsxt.cn
  • WhatsApp:+8618566180025
  • 更新:2021-12-25 05:17
  • 到期:长期有效
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  • nerror="this.onerror=null;this.src="https://www.0123.run/static/image/lazy.gif" class="lazy" original="//img1.yiwugou.com/enimages/defaultnoimageen.png"" src="https://www.0123.run/static/image/lazy.gif" class="lazy" original="//img1.yiwugou.com/i002/ywgo/i2/blank.gif" data-url="//img1.yiwugou.com/i002/2014/07/10/89/middle_c1d262ca486aefbd7b7b3b749bd4b9bb.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,m_lfit,h_200,w_200" alt="2015 purple and silver Dan sweet scented osmanthus lady special offer 30ML" /> 2015 purple and silver Dan sweet scented osman...
  • Perfume is a mixture of essential oils, fixatives and liquid ethanol or ethyl acetate, used to make an object (usually parts of the human body) has a lasting and pleasant smell. Essential oils derived from plants and flowers, with distillation or fat suction extraction or use scented organic. Fixatives are used to bring together a variety of spices, including balsam, Ambergris and Civet and musk deer glands secretion. Ethanol or ethyl acetate concentration depends are perfumes, Eau de toilette or Cologne. Perfume's shelf life is usually five years.

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