2015 spring/summer new Footless Korea comfort high stretch plus size flower leggings 79 pants

  • 区域:全国
  • 留言暂无
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  • price:7.59
  • mail:www@gsxt.cn
  • WhatsApp:+8618566180025
  • 更新:2021-12-25 10:18
  • 到期:长期有效
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女人不 花” 何来 花容月貌”

Printed elements in the spring and summer of 2015 arena has widespread popular, major brands from designers who have an affinity for its, major shows and magazines can be seen on various printing element of clothing.

Printed pants in this shop uses 3D printing technologyfull stereo no fading flower type

Fabric Korea tailored stretch cottonBai washed, soft and elastic deformation

Slim fit slim stretch either underweight or overweight can behandle

Coupled with a simple t shirt can easily travel

Real is more beautiful than the picture, easy for celebrities wind! No need to worry about HOLD not to live!

Factory direct cash sufficient

Taken within 72 hours after delivery

举报收藏 0


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